Crystal Acupuncture™ Kit

Crystal Acupuncture™ Kit

This amazing product includes 8 crystals and a pendulum attractively contained in a protection pouch, which can be easily carried in a handbag or pocket. The simple instruction booklet gives directions on the use of the points and pendulum drops and also presents valuable information on how to balance the Chakras and the Five Bodies. Applying these crystals to the acupuncture points along the meridians can treat various ailments. As a special bonus, we are including an attractive woman’s silver bracelet that can be worn with the stones or can be used as the chain for pendulums.


For further information concerning workshops and training as therapists with certification in Teragram™ Therapy, Crystal Acupuncture™ & Spiritual Crystal Acupuncture™, Core Teragram Therapy, Beauty Crystal Acupuncture or Trinity Stone Healing, contact Dr. Margaret by sending a message through the website or giving her a call to schedule a session.