The Book of Crystal Acupuncture and Teragram Therapy Diagrams
THE BOOK OF CRYSTAL ACUPUNCTURE & TERAGRAM THERAPY DIAGRAMS Complementary Healing Therapy has taken another step forward with Dr. Margaret Rogers Van Coops’ amazingly powerful methods for controlling energy flow. This companion book to Breakthrough Therapies and to Dr. Margaret’s Crystal Acupuncture and Teragram Therapy Kits clearly illustrates and describes dozens of tools and techniques for effectively treating acute and chronic conditions suffered by humans and animals. From headaches and minor injuries to major complicated illnesses, Dr. Margaret’s treatments provide effective, non-invasive and inexpensive remedies to put you or your clients back into a state of positive healing. Dr. Margaret’s work with her clients has further validated ancient Oriental acupuncture principles and merged them with exciting, simple methods using crystals to unblock energy flow in our Five Bodies to tone, balance and stimulate the Chi energies. Her research has carried this work into the treatment of pets and even wildlife. Whether you are a healer or a patient, you need to use this stimulating and easy-to-follow guide for recovery.
Published 2006, Japan 2008
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