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Sumaris Education center

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Building Her Dream:

University of Metaphysical Studies Online from Beginners to Professional Status

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Answers Lie Within
“The Voice of Oneness”

Dr. Margaret Rogers Van Coops

PH.D DCM(IM) – Doctor of Philosophy, Metaphysician, Hypnotist, Ordained Minister, Counselor, Medium & Healer

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Crystal Acupuncture, Beauty Crystal Acupuncture, Teragram Therapy, Core Teragram Therapy, TrinityStone Healing, Sensory Touch Therapy (STT) and all alternative physical therapies

that include Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Psycho-dermo Therapy, various Asian therapies, Dowsing, Remote Viewing and Healing, as well as a variety of other modalities of healing the Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul which led to her theories and research in 1975 to the importance of the DNA & RNA Codings and the Soul Structure Coding of  a person’s Spirit and their purpose for reincarnation into their current life. This deep dive into the research of each individual has developed immensely since 1975 and is today still pulling a great deal of interest world-wide following the publications of her books.

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Become Certified

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Natural psychic healing for beginners

This course is designed to bring a student an inner awareness for the need to self heal of negativity, fear, pain anger, guild and loss. Students will be introduced to various healing modalities to treat self and loved ones.
(Teenagers may attend with their parents’ permission.) 

In this course you will discover your own self-healing powers, learning how various states of mind and emotions causes illness and disease. This is a
beginner’s step into Basic Psychology. You will learn to use various emotions
to attune to the discourse of your mind, practicing with meditation &
hypnosis provided. You will also take a look at the make-up of your Aura and Majors and Minor Chakras. There will also be an introduction to
Dr. Margaret’s Teragram Therapy and Aromatherapy treatments. Students will
also learn how to create hand friction in order to release negative energies
from your mind, emotions and spirit.
Suggested purchase of the Teragram Kit – click to purchase kit

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Natural psychic healing for beginners

This course is designed to bring a student an inner awareness for the need to self heal of negativity, fear, pain anger, guild and loss. Students will be introduced to various healing modalities to treat self and loved ones.
(Teenagers may attend with their parents’ permission.) 

In this course you will discover your own self-healing powers, learning how various states of mind and emotions causes illness and disease. This is a
beginner’s step into Basic Psychology. You will learn to use various emotions
to attune to the discourse of your mind, practicing with meditation &
hypnosis provided. You will also take a look at the make-up of your Aura and Majors and Minor Chakras. There will also be an introduction to
Dr. Margaret’s Teragram Therapy and Aromatherapy treatments. Students will
also learn how to create hand friction in order to release negative energies
from your mind, emotions and spirit.
Suggested purchase of the Teragram Kit – click to purchase kit

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Prof. Margaret Rogers Van Coops; Ph.D.
DCH(IM), Doctor of Integrated & Alternative Medicine

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Teragramsm Therapy

This kit contains six colored Geode slices called Teragrams, that when placed upon the Major Chakras, will stimulate each chakra to rotate at a faster speed, resulting in a much increased release of negativity, leaving the user relaxed and at peace. These can be used at night to sleep. Rolling over them also releases pains and stiffness of the body, while allowing negative issues to be released whether awake or asleep. A single Teragram can be tied to a limb during waking hours to amend and release pain. More information in Breakthrough Therapies: Crystal Acupuncturesm & Teragramsm Therapy

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Dr Margaret Rogers Van Coop

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Ladies Graduation Certificates

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Japanese Students

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